60 Inspirational Quotes about Gratitude

60 Inspirational Quotes about Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can cultivate. It can shift our perspective, lift our spirits, and remind us of the abundance that surrounds us, even in challenging times. When we practice gratitude, we open our hearts to the beauty and blessings in our lives, whether big or small.

In a world that often moves too quickly, pausing to express gratitude can be a grounding experience. It allows us to appreciate the present moment and the journey that has brought us here. Gratitude reminds us that we are never alone and that countless people, experiences, and forces have profoundly contributed to our lives.

They come from individuals who have lived through adversity, achieved great success, or recognized the importance of appreciating the world around them. These quotes serve as gentle nudges, reminding us to approach each day with a grateful heart.

Quotes about Gratitude

1. Happiness is itself a kind of gratitude. – Joseph Wood Krutch

2. Believe good things will happen, and they will.

3. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward

4. The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. – Dalai Lama

5. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them. – John F. Kennedy

6. My whole life turned around When I started counting my blessings. – Willie Nelson

7. Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

8. The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.” – Mary Davis

9. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” – Marcus Aurelius

10. There is always something to be thankful for.

11. In ordinary life, we hardly realize that we receive a great deal more than we give and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

12. The most complex arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” – Eric Hoffer

13. When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears. – Tony Robbins

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14. The essence of all beautiful art is gratitude. – Friedrich Nietzsche

15. Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.” – Cicero

16. Always remember to smile and look up at what you got in life. – Marilyn Monroe

17. The way to develop the best in a person is by appreciation and encouragement. – Charles Schwab

18. Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough

19. Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world. – John Milton

20. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive. – Thich Nhat Hanh

21. To attract more blessings that life offers, you must truly appreciate what you already have. – Ralph Marston

22. Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart and lips and shows itself in deeds. – Theodore Roosevelt

23. Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

24. God gave you a gift of 84,600 seconds today. Have you used one of them to say thank you? – William Arthur Ward

25. Breathe. Let go. Remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. – Oprah Winfrey

26. We can only be said to be alive when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. – Thorton Wilder

27. Love your mistakes as much as your accomplishments. Because without errors, there wouldn’t be any accomplishments.

28. Be thankful for what you have; you’ll have more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough. – Oprah Winfrey

29. To give thanks in solitude is enough. Thanksgiving has wings and goes where it must go. Your prayer knows much more about it than you do. – Victor Hugo

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30. What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise. – Oscar Wilde

31. Saying thank you is more than good manners. It is good spirituality. – Alfred Painter

32. Develop an attitude of gratitude and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation. – Brian Tracy

33. In all affairs, it’s healthy now and then to hang a question mark on the things you have long taken for granted. – Bertrand Russell

34. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow. – Melody Beattie

35. Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet. – Thich Nhat Hanh

36. Enjoy the little things; one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. – Robert Brault

37. Giving thanks for abundance is greater than the abundance itself. – Rumi

38. Free yourself from the complexities and drama of your life. Simplify. Look within. Within ourselves, we all have the gifts and talents we need to fulfill the purpose we’ve been blessed with. – Steve Maraboli

39. A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy. – Joseph Addison

40. When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them. – Chinese Prover

41. The more you recognize and express gratitude for the things you have, the more things you will have to express gratitude for. – Zig Ziglar

42. The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness. – Dalai Lama

43. What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, and even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened. – Oprah Winfrey

44. A simple grateful thought turned heavenwards is the most perfect prayer. – Doris Lessing

45. There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth. – Rumi

46. Of the blessings set before you, make your choice and be content. – Samuel Johnson

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47. Be grateful for what you have, and work hard for what you don’t have.

48. Think with great gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us. – Albert Schweitzer

49. Those with a grateful mindset tend to see the message in the mess. And even though life may knock them down, the grateful find reasons, if even small ones, to get up. – Steve Maraboli

50. You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might also pray in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance. – Kahlil Gibran

Daily Gratitude Quotes

51. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.” – Melody Beattie

52. Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

53. The root of joy is gratefulness.” – David Steindl-Rast

54. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” – William Arthur Ward

55. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live by them.” – John F. Kennedy

56. Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward

57. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

58. When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” – Willie Nelson

59. Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.” – Brian Tracy

Buddha Quotes on Gratitude

60. Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”

61. However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them?”

Stories about our personal experiences can awaken our awareness, stretch our hearts, inspire us and help us to heal.